The Illinois Office of Comptroller
Statement of Purpose for Collection of Identification Numbers
Identity Protection Policy
The Identity Protection Act, 5 ILCS 179/1 et seq., requires each local and State government agency to draft, approve, and implement an Identity Protection Policy that includes a statement of the purpose or purposes for which the agency is collecting and using an individual’s Social Security number (SSN). The Office of Comptroller also collects Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and Governmental Unit’s Code (GUC), and therefore, includes their collection within this statement of purpose. This statement of purpose is being provided to you because you have been asked by the Illinois Office of Comptroller to provide your SSN, FEIN, GUC, or because you requested a copy of this statement.
You are being asked for your SSN, FEIN, or GUC for one or more of the following reasons:
We will only use your SSN, FEIN, or GUC for the purpose for which it was collected.
We will not:
If you have any questions or complaints about this Statement of Purpose you may contact The Illinois Office of Comptroller by email at or by mail at the following address.
The Illinois Office of Comptroller
Security Administration Unit
325 West Adams
Springfield, Il 62704