Statement from Comptroller Susana Mendoza on Attorney General Kwame Raoul's opinion on the forfeiture of Tim Mapes' pension

I agree with Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s opinion that former House Speaker Mike Madigan Chief of Staff Tim Mapes’ state pension should be forfeited.

As I have stated all along, it is my personal opinion that anyone convicted of violating the public trust should be stripped of their taxpayer-funded pension.

The last pension payment the Illinois Office of Comptroller made to Tim Mapes was in February 2024 – following his sentencing, in accordance with the State Employees’ Retirement System procedures – at an annual rate of more than $154,000.

If the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) Executive Board approves the recommendation and that recommendation comes before the SERS board, which I chair, I absolutely will vote to end Mapes’ state pension.

-Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza
