Press Releases Page Press Releases

Jan 29

The 2024 State and University Employees Combined Appeal (SECA) program begins Wednesday, September 18th, and runs through November 13th. SECA offers state government and university employees the opportunity to donate to their favorite charities through payroll deduction.…

Jan 28

I am prepared to stand with Governor JB Pritzker, Attorney General Kwame Raoul and Treasurer Michael Frerichs in fighting this egregious action by President Trump. The freezing of vital federal funds will immediately impact millions of students, parents, medical and health care recipients, women and…

Jan 23

I agree with Attorney General Kwame Raoul’s opinion that former House Speaker Mike Madigan Chief of Staff Tim Mapes’ state pension should be forfeited.…

Dec 27

Lose 10 pounds? Eat healthier? Exercise more? All great New Year's resolutions – but how about resolving to get control of your finances? "Starting the new year with a fresh commitment to review and better manage your money is a great way to kick off 2025," says Comptroller Mendoza. "It might be s…

Dec 20

On Thursday, December 19th, Comptroller Mendoza transferred an interesting part of history to the state’s official keeper of such documents – the Illinois State Archives, located in Springfield. The documents include information about Obama’s salary and benefits as a member of the Illinois Senate…

Dec 20

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2024, Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza is looking back at some of the highlights in her office over the past year. "We've made such incredible strides in Illinois, and I enjoy reflecting each year on some of our top moments," says Comptroller Mendoza. "I’m so …

Oct 17

Starting today, Illinois Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza is suspending "offset" payments to the Village of Orland Park. "Offsets" refers to money collected from state payments our office withholds from people who owe traffic tickets or other money to municipalities such as Orland Park.…

Oct 17

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Illinois Office of Comptroller (IOC) is working to bring greater attention to women’s health care and cancer prevention efforts with the addition of a new webpage highlighting how much the state spends on the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. The …

Oct 09

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Comptroller Mendoza is offering some important advice for safeguarding personal information.…

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